Talking to plants to help them grow is a well-known old wives' tale, but research into plants has shown vibration possibly from music, or the sound from your voice can affect plant growth. Also, in true Myth Buster fashion (for anyone who has seen the program) compared a silent greenhouse to one where they played a voice soundtrack, and found that plants in the latter grew more.
While our professionals wont talk to your plants they will maintain gardens to the very highest standard to ensure you step out looking over a beautiful Landscape. However if you should ever hear them talking to your plants then please call the office so I can book them a holiday!
Chad's Gardens
119 Easthorpe
Nottingham, NG25 0HZ
0 7 8 7 9 6 1 3 0 6 7
JD Axiom L.T.D Registered England & Wales Company Number 11277616